Friday, October 28, 2016

Macro Photography

3Macro Photgraphyt is taking a picture of an ordinary oblect but have it zoomed in, or up close.

When taking Macro photos you need to keep your distance, pay attention to the depth of field, and watch the lighting.

5 Things to take pictures of are:
1. A human eyeball
2. A cats mouth
3. Writing
4. Concrete
5. Pencil

Image result for macro photography cat
This is a good example of a Macro photo because its a cats tounge up close and zoomed in. This photo shows more detail then any other cat tounge photo becasue they paid attention to depth of field and focusing.

Tis picture of Keytins eye is a good example of Macro photography because of how close it is. It is also focusing on keeping it not blurry.

1 comment:

  1. Got your macro post, but where is your progressive plant post? Tell me when you publish it please. Thanks!
